I have heard that times are tough. Well not if you are Victoria Talbot. This so called publicist, agent, manager is nothing more than a low budget scammer. She takes on clientelle, gets them a job or 2 and pretends to be this great connection. One ONE MAJOR PROBLEM.... The Money earned by the client is kept by Victoria. She is known for lieing, and making up all sorts of crap to deceive her client after she has been paid. When the talent is due for their share of earnings, Victoria will lie through her ugly face and deceive her client. She owes money to so many people. She has the worst track record in town. The best part of Victoria "the scammer" Talbot is that she never discovered anyone. She actually is "all about the Hype"..... AS I LEARNED IN SCHOOL----------- DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE!
People who work, deserve to be paid.
People who scam, deserve to be spoken about.
Victoria Tablot is a disgrace to the Entertainment World.